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The benefits of Organic Turmeric are Amazing

The benefits of Organic Turmeric are Amazing

Why we love turmeric...
So by now, you'll have probably heard about Organic Turmeric and that it's good for you. But do you know exactly what it is, what it does and why it's good for you? If you just answered no, we have all the answers you need to know in this blog post.So, let's start at the beginning.
Turmeric, also known as Curcuma longa, is an ancient spice that has remained popular in India and Asia since 2,000 BC. The spice belongs to the ginger family and is a prized component of the culinary traditions of these cultures. Turmeric imparts a vibrant yellowish hue to curry dishes, and the spice is used as a natural dyeing agent for cloth.
The history lesson is done, so up next is what it does and why it's good for you!
The list of what Organic Turmeric can do for you is pretty impressive, considering it is just one spice! If you want to have a read of it's benefits in detail, take a look at this article (http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/8-impressive-health-benefits-turmeric/). But for the time being, here is a quick look at 8 of the benefits to taking this amazing spice:
1. Promotes Balanced Mood
2. Helps Wounds Heal
3. Eases Aches and Discomfort
4. Encourages Balanced Blood Sugar
5. Soothes Irritated Tissue
6. Loosens Stiff Joints
7. Encourages Normal Lipid Levels
8. Supports the Stomach Lining
I think we can all agree that these benefits are amazing and it's something that you should definitely be adding to your daily diet!
So, why should you use our Certified Organic Turmeric with Organic Black Pepper?
Our Organic Turmeric is a natural & powerful Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant that can help relieve Arthritis, reduce Joint Pain and improve Digestion. Organic Turmeric delivers hundreds of beneficial compounds including Curcumin at 3-4% content.
Organic Turmeric also means you avoid toxins, pesticides and heavy metals. Turmeric's many medicinal properties are often reduced by irradiation and exposure to harsh light when conventionally produced. Organic turmeric is a naturally grown root with all its health benefits intact. Turmeric is increasingly being used in formulas for back problems, many people report that turmeric can help, but it's important to choose a high potency turmeric product and recent studies have shown that turmeric may also help people with bloating and digestive discomfort.
Furthermore, it’s proven that the absorption of Curcumin is modest, but can be increased by up to 2000% when paired with Organic Black Pepper.
So there you have it. You wanted to know what Organic Turmeric is, what it does, why it's good for you and why you should use our product.
Try something that everyone is talking about at the moment, you won't be disappointed!
SHOP NOW: http://www.nutravita.co.uk/products/nutravita-organic-turmeric-with-organic-black-pepper